A few years ago, the 89er Theater in Kingfisher, Oklahoma wanted a video shown before the movie about why it’s not ok to sneak your own food into the movie theater. We had a production team meeting and our executive producer, Renee Settlemires came up with a crazy idea to create “The Concession Police”.  She wrote a script and assembled the cast.   We rented an old police car, made some concession police uniforms and scheduled the production day.   The plot of the story was that the concession police got a call that someone had smuggled some food into the theater.  The police responded, searched the building, and found the perpetrators with a large quantity of popcorn, snacks and drinks.  The funny thing is we filmed this 11 years ago and it is still running at the theater before each movie.    KJ FILMWORKS – VIDEO PRODUCTION FOR INDUSTRIES OF ANY SIZE. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY BUDGET – Here is the link to view the video.

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